Attentia pilot occupational medicine

10 March 2022
Spotlight on the use of Sunrise in the context of the occupational health with Attentia.
At TotalEnergies Petrochemicals Feluy, a Seveso company, a sleep analysis was carried out for the first time in the context of occupational medicine with the Sunrise sensor by Attentia's occupational physician Christian Mostosi.
The study, co-authored by Attentia physician Edelhart Kempeneers and Dr. Francis Nde, will soon be published in scientific journals. Forty volunteers with symptoms or signs of sleep disorders or comorbid factors (high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity) participated.
Notably, none of patients had known or diagnosed sleep apnea syndrome. However, the screening showed that 76% had some degree of sleep apnea syndrome. According to Dr. Christian Mostosi, the results show that screening for sleep apnea syndrome by occupational medicine in the workplace is both feasible and desirable.
"I would advocate that this OSAS screening also be offered by other companies in the workplace, especially when employees in security or vigilance roles are active. It would also be a good thing if the Sunrise sensor could be integrated into periodic medical examinations, allowing for earlier anticipation," said Dr. Christian Mostosi.
Attentia is convinced that the Sunrise sensor will continue to be successful, especially in companies where employees work in hazardous occupations, such as truck and forklift drivers, operators of technical installations and in high-risk occupations such as night workers and employees with a vigilance function.
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